Om Line / About Line

Line Barfod er som borgmester formand for Teknik- og Miljøudvalget.


Jeg har siddet i Folketinget for Enhedslisten gennem 10 år fra 2001-2011, hvor jeg gennem længere tid også var gruppeformand.

Jeg har været medlem af Nordisk Råd i 2001-2011 og Selvstyrekommissionen, der udarbejdede selvstyreloven for Grønland fra 2005-2008.

Derudover har jeg siddet i bestyrelsen for Enhedslisten i flere perioder 1998-2002, 2003-2005, 2010-2015 og senest 2018-2021.


Jeg er uddannet cand.jur. fra Københavns Universitet i 1992 og uddannet advokat i 1995.

Som advokat og partner i Advokatkooperativet Foldschack, Forchhammer, Dahlager & Barfod har jeg blandt været advokat for en lang række alternative og økologiske foreninger og fonde – ligesom jeg også har haft almindeligt advokatarbejde såsom ejendomshandler, testamenter mv.

Derudover har jeg siddet med i diverse bestyrelser og repræsentantskaber for en lang række fonde og foreninger og desuden i bestyrelsen for bl.a. DR fra 2015 til 2021, Kofoeds Skole fra 2015 til 2021 samt Danwatch fra 2013 til 2021. 


Jeg nyder at læse, gå ture både i naturen og i byen og at være i vores fritidshus på Skarø.

Jeg bor selv på Nørrebro sammen med min mand, der er direktør for FilmFyn og tilbringer en del af sin arbejdstid på Fyn. Derudover har vi tilsammen fire børn og to børnebørn.

About Line 

Line Barfod is Mayor of Technical and Environmental Affairs at the City of Copenhagen and is Head of the Technical and Environmental Committee. 

The Technical and Environmental Administration governs matters in Copenhagen Municipality such as infrastructure i.e., roads, bike lanes and pedestrian walks, upkeep of green urban spaces, pollution, maintenance, construction projects, disadvantaged areas, and social housing projects. 

Line has represented the Municipal Council for The Red-Green Alliance and has been Mayor since January 2022. 

In addition, Line is Chairman of the Board at the Copenhagen Heating Transmission Company (HOFOR) and The Green Council as well as Member of the Board at the Greater Copenhagen Fire Department. 

Line has a master's degree in law from 1992 and has worked as a lawyer and partner in a private law firm for several years. She is a member of The Red-Green Alliance and represented the party as a member of the Danish parliament for ten years between 2001-2011. Moreover she has been a member of the Nordic Council from 2001-2011. 

Line has a red and green political profile. Her fundamental political goals are to increase the availability of high-quality and affordable housing for people of average income, for instance through alternative housing projects such as collectives and building communities.

She is working to accomplish the ambitious and necessary climate plan and ensure that the planting of trees and greening of the city is highly prioritised. Finally, she wishes to ensure that the city is developed through a democratic and transparent dialogue with the citizens of Copenhagen.

Together with the Technical and Environmental Administration, Line’s ambition is to make the City of Copenhagen, already the best cycling city in the world, even better. The goal is for even more people to choose the bicycle when going to school, work, leisure activities, or shopping.